NORSOK M 710 Revision 3 Ed.2014

Data di pubblicazione: 14 Ottobre 2016

NORSOK M 710 Revision 3 Ed.2014. Qualification Of Non-Metallic Materials And Manufacturers - Polymers

Ecco i contenuti generali che sostituistono la NORSOK M 710 Revision 2 (2001)  

Table of Contents

1 Scope
2 Normative and informative references
3 Terms, definitions and abbreviations
4 Technical requirements
5 Documentation requirements
6 Requirements for manufacturers
7 Qualification of elastomer materials (ageing and RGD)
8 Qualification of thermoplastic materials (ageing)
9 Test reporting
Annex A (normative) - Test media, conditions, equipment and procedures for ageing of thermoplastic materials
Annex B (normative) - Test report for elastomer materials

Traccia Storica delle revisioni
REV 3 [15/10/2014]
REV 2 [10/03/2001]

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